Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Will the Latino Vote Bury Obama?

Based off exit polls in New York, New Jersey, Arizona, and New Mexico, one has to ask the very important question: Will the Latino vote take down Obama?

According to these exit polls, the Latino vote is flowing over to Hillary Clinton.  Why?

Two things:

-Bill Clinton

Latinos who are being asked why they had a 'favorable' or 'very favorable' view of Hillary mentioned the fact that Bill is her husband, and that they remember Bill's term as one of economic prosperity.  This notion, a healthy economy, is very important to Latinos and their families.

The polls in California have just closed.  The counting begins.  Clinton is ahead with the early voters.  This will soon diminish, but by how much?

"Clinton won six in 10 Hispanic voters."

Obama is ahead with white voters and black voters, a surprise and an expected outcome, respectively.  If Obama loses it will be because of the Latino surge for Clinton, and almost nothing else.


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