I do not know her exact measurements, but Senator Clinton looks like a short woman. One of my father's favorite sayings is that 'there is no shortie that aint a mean, fighting son-of-a-bitch.' Senator Clinton is that shortie.
Many are counting Hillary out. They say her last statement at the Texas debate was a swan song, a graceful farewell. Bill Clinton has gone as far as telling crowds Hillary must win Ohio and Texas, otherwise she will lose. LOSE, MUST WIN, OVER, those are all very powerful, and rarely used words in American politics. Confidence, even arrogance, is the attitude politicians adopt like Jolie a Vietnamese baby. In politics, the saying goes, you need a big head and broad shoulders.
This applies to all candidates this year. Obama borders on cockiness, which many, including myself, find refreshing and invigorating. But what about Clinton? A Clinton does not put forget a Clinton legacy. They are one of the most powerful families in American history. Hillary is not far off in terms of delegates, support, or even fundraising. Sure, polls show her trailing nationally, in hypothetical match-ups against McCain, and her two 'givens', Texas and Ohio, are now a dead-heat and a slimming edge in the polls, respectively. But remember, she is still a Clinton. She is HILLARY Clinton. An icon, both famous and infamous, and a political figure that often shadows two presidents, one past and one current.
So why this change in mood, no pun intended. One word: Smarts. Oh, and another word: Manipulation. She is once again carving out a pity hole and waving a pink flag, neither conceding nor foaming at the mouth. She is simply reminding us she is human, and an emotional, poor little human, at that. Yes, she is trying to make us feel sorry for her. This would be called 'ridiculous' anytime, except for the victorious precedent it has. It worked after Iowa, it helped her before Super Tuesday, and now, in a fight that looks like one she never prepared for, she is going back to it again.
Crying before New Hampshire helped her win the state by rallying the "You GO Girl" vote. Getting weapy before Super Tuesday gave her big state wins. Now this time, it is a double whammy. Bill issues the ultimatums, while she plays the martyr. St. Hillary, patron saint to whiners and the capricious.
Will it work? So far, it does not show that it has. The polls still show a dead heat in Texas, and Ohio is now a single digit difference state. After Obama's 11 straight wins, I presume his momentum might have given him a slim lead in both states. Maybe this two-pronged act has slowed down the hemorrhage. Maybe this strategy all along has slowed down the hemorrhage.
Watching Hillary go against Obama in the last debate before the March 4th primaries, fending off her fate and Tim Russert, reminds me of a battered, veteran heavyweight trying to slow down the wily, cocky upstart. Sonny Liston v. Cassius Clay. She knows she is in her last few rounds. She is not focusing on skill, but on throwing upper cuts and hugging-down Obama, trying to go for the knockout, or at least tire him out. Will she land one in the end and upset the audience now chanting 'Obama! Obama!'. Around this time next week, I will be talking about a knockout or a split decision.
Michael Buffer...will you do the honors.
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