Monday, February 04, 2008

Momentum is a Bitch (in the Feminist sense)

'Bitch' has been a term the feminist movement has been trying to 'take back' (sense the lack of respect I have for language wars) for some time, similar to how the gay movement took back 'queer', or the african-american community changed the meaning--not definition--of the word 'nigga.'

A leading feminist magazine is Bitch. Some celebrate the word 'cunt', and even make a book out of it. Anyway...

Setting up a scenario where the first, truly viable female candidate is up for the nomination of a party that does not relegate their women to subservient roles (here is looking at you, Condi), you would think that women would embrace such a candidate. Especially feminists. Alas, momentum is a bitch (see, that is a pun). Momentum, and the fact that people are starting to see what this person is really all about--that goes for both Obama and Hillary.

Feminists in Hillary's foster home, New York, are saying Oh yes to Obama. Why? Mainly because Hillary is entrenched in the mess of the Iraq war, and because they see she really has no true convictions, only ones that pay off in votes. Obama is taking away the vote many thought was a no-brainer for Hillary only a few months ago: the New Yorkian feminist. What is next?

The downfall.


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