Sunday, February 10, 2008

Myanmar Feels the Pressure From India

The newest development in Myanmar's 'move' back to democracy comes from India, Myanmar's neighbor.  
According to Bloomberg, leaders in India are pressuring the National League of Democracy, Myanmar's ruling party/junta, to consider a revision in their constitution through a referendum in the near future.
How likely is this? Depends.  Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of the opposition, thinks it is too early for an election to change national leadership. The sad truth is that even an election were to come, the guidelines that were drafted during a secretive convention between the junta leaders bar Aung San from even running.
Even if a democracy were to come back to this country filled to the rim with turmoil, it will be the equivalent to a platypus democracy: looks like a duck, walks like a duck, but it aint.  If Aung San, the most popular opposition figure (maybe even the most popular leader in the country) cannot run because she cannot even leave her house, how much of a democracy is that?

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