Tuesday, February 05, 2008

McCain: Winner and Loser

The tide is going well for the USS McCain.  However, a tempest looms.

Look at the states McCain has won thus far:

-New York
-New Jersey

ALL of them, except Oklahoma, are NOT Republican strongholds.  He is not winning the typical Red state, or even the Red-leaning state, but Blue states.  This does not help his case with the GOP base.  Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and all the other right-wing loudmouths will love to hate him, and will have something to chew on with these wins.  A California win will cement his nomination, at least until the actual ceremony is held.  But he knows the real fight will come up.  Not with convincing some Dems and independents to vote for him, but to actually let Republicans know who the Republican candidate is.


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