Friday, February 08, 2008

Matthew McConaug-HEY! Needs A Career Intervention

Peter Travers, the movie critic from Rolling Stone magazine, has taken the time, god bless him, to give Mr. McConaughey some advice: Quit being lazy!!!

The Texan with drawl that goes on for miles, and the pecs that are made of wood, is suffering what may be called Post-Bare Chested Lethargia. Ever since he has chosen to make the top half of himself be exposed bare in almost every movie, McConaughey has failed to show us he is actually using the very, very top of himself, his head. Picking lazy project after lazy project (The Wedding Planner, How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days, Fool's Gold), the sorta-gifted actor is making money off his boobs more than anything else. Let's call him Tomela Anderson from here on out.

Matthew, buddy, get back to work and pick your movies a bit more wisely. Just because you are allowed to be in a movie half-naked, acting as if stoned, and arguing with Kate Hudson through 3/4 of your movies, doesn't mean you should.


1 comment:

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