Sunday, August 24, 2008

New McCain Ad Attacks Obama AND Clinton

Check this new political ad by Sen. McCain that came out just after Biden was named VP:

A few things:
  • The ad is meant to aggravate the Obama/Clinton & Clinton supporters conflict
  • The ad is meant to play on the theme that Obama can't take the heat, and is too raw and too much of a novice to be president
  • The ad is supposed to tell Hillary supporters: Get mad! Vote for me to teach him a lesson!
What it DOES do:
  • It forces Hillary to be a greater advocate of Obama.  She might have been lukewarm in her support for Obama before, but if she lets this slide and says nothing, she loses a lot.  Her supporters will still be behind her since they believe, deep in their hearts, that what this ad claim is true, but she will lose respect of the rest of the Democratic party and will put her political future in jeopardy--NY will not take kind of a back-stabber and implicit McCain supporter
  • It may aggravate Hillary supporters, but against MCCAIN.  He is portraying them as angry, irrational animals that are vengeful and short-sighted.  They are not.  And if they feel uneasy about this ad, they will soon know why: McCain thinks they are dumb enough to take the bait.
  • McCain is now playing a new style of ball he can't win.  If he is going to introduce character witnesses to the campaign, then he cannot win that battle of reputation.  Stories about McCain's readiness, temper, political opportunism, and character flaws abound...and that is just from his GOP colleagues!  If we wants to play ball, Obama has a lot of ammo for this sort of ball.

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