Wednesday, August 06, 2008

3 Summer Movies Ready For Oscar

Summer is the designated season for movie fluff and puff. But every now and then, some movies are made seriously enough to be taken serious. They may not end up being Oscar contenders...but they just might. And in summer, no less, the season where big bucks are expected, otherwise your time will be up in one week.

So far, I would argue a few have made a big splash at the box office and at the balcony. The Dark Knight comes to mind, with its skillfully written screenplay and masterful portrayal of the Joker by the deceased Heath Ledger. A possible nod for its cinematography might also occur. The Visitor is in the same boat, with a strong script and even stronger performances. Richard Jenkins is a darkhorse for Best Actor. Wall-E is a piece of art...but unfortunately, it will only be considered a piece on computer-generated art, thereby limiting its acclaim.

There some more, but I suggest looking ahead. The tail-end of the summer tends to give us the movies riding the Summer Blockbuster coattail. They may not be your usual summer fare, and they may be completely made for Oscar season (late fall, winter), but they dabble enough in both to be uniquely intriguing. Here are a few to look out for:

Vicky Cristina Barcelona (aug. 15)

The new flick by Woody Allen, this may be his best since Match Point and as career-defining as Manhattan. If this movie keeps all of its promises, Allen may have found a new New York: Barcelona. He has already found a new muse in Scarlett Johansson. He used Scarlett very well in Match Point, letting her simmer in her sexuality, and from the looks of it, this will be more of the metric doses!

The movie looks fresh, light, and sensual. These are things not usually assigned to Woody Allen pre-Johansson. If this movie delivers, look for a turn to increasingly less neurotic, more exotic work by Woody. And more work with Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz.

Hamlet 2 (aug. 22)

And now, the darling of Sundance. This movie was bought for an estimated $10million. That is mucho money for a movie that will be controversial, hilarious, and a cult classic. Expect this be played well into the fall.

Burn After Reading (sept. 12)

Made by the Coen bros. What more do you need to know? I have been waiting for this movie ever since I saw Brad Pitt get punched in the face. A great cast, a great plot, and so far, a great soundtrack. Trademarks of a great Coen brothers movie. Let's do it in the back.


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