Thursday, August 14, 2008

Clintons: We will, We will Crush You

What did you really expect from these two? Graciousness? Ha. No dice.

Hillary and Bill are not letting the limelight move away from the just yet. As the attention hogs they are, they want just one more chance to put themselves above the party, as something greater THAN the party.

It will be announced today by the Obama campaign that Hillary's name will be kept in the nomination ballot. This means her "catharsis" will be achieved. This comes soon after Bill and Hillary were announced to headline two days at the convention. Like an only child on their birthday, they screamed and jumped, and finally got what they wanted.

But not yet. They want more. Hillary wants another go at the presidency in 2012 and Bill stills wants the title of elder-statesman of the Democratic party. The only way to get both is to have a Republican president again. Barack must lose.

Are they doing this to make such a thing probable? Maybe, maybe not. If you are a romantic, then of course not! If you are a cynic, then you think they are probably buying But what if they are?

As a heap of emails The Atlantic obtained from Hillary's campaign internal communication show, the fall was imminent. Discord, delayed reaction, and debt-inducing finances were the decay inside Hillary's formerly unsinkable boat. Contrary to what one of her campaign aides said, she would NOT have won Iowa if John Edwards had admitted his affair earlier and taken himself off of the ballot (most of Edward's supporters in Iowa had Obama as their second choice, not Hillary). So Hillary was running an unsuccessful campaign from the beginning, only to let it rot as the days went by.

Hillary added an "another thing" to her list of wishes for Obama: a line in the party's platform that the sexist media ran "demeaning portrayals of women ... dampen the dreams of our daughters", meaning she blames her sunken boat on the MSM. But as Maureen Dowd insightfully pointed out, the line shoud be reworded to:

A woman who wildly mismanages and bankrupts a quarter-of-a-billion-dollar campaign operation, and then blames sexism in society, will dampen the dreams of our daughters.


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