Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sign of the Apocalypse: Michael Savage Makes Kennedy's Tumor Funny

I am proud to be a Bay Area resident. But sometimes I get a whiff I don't like. This is one of those whiffs.

Our resident Limbaugh, Michael Savage, knows how to make a splash. He makes the third shaft of the triumphant triumvirate with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity that raises hell and listeners across the country. And a fatal condition wont stop this Savage host to be just that.

Check this post out, with the sample audio in it, that lets you know how funny Michael Savage thinks Ted Kennedy's brain tumor is (according to him: Preeeetty funny).

I would be pissed at him, if I didn't already feel sorry for him. I can't will myself to emote so much on his behalf.


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