Saturday, September 23, 2006

Manly Men

The recent barrage of uber-"manly" ads, books, and movies have made it clear that there is a movement afoot: one where no pansies are allowed. The effeminate or even the modestly sensitive man is no longer an acceptable model, according to the proponents of this new Mr. Macho Movement.

Consumer culture has once again become involved in this masculinity-shaping movement. Carl's Jr. has pointed out what is considered food appropriate for a man and what is "chick food" (hint: the more testosterone in the food, the more testosterone in you). Irish Spring has commanded men to "take back the shower," with their soap "for men." An Alphabet of Manliness is a bestseller that tells us what the proper form of a drop kick and the art of road rage. I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, gives us insight into the life of a misogynist, belligerent drunk who swings and clubs more often than Tarzan. These examples can even be seen at the highest levels of government.

These are signs of a new movement within an evolving one. In Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man, Susan Faludi describes the ornamental conception of manhood that has evolved since the end of World War II. The old definition of masculinity focused on contribution in society for the general well-being. The post-WWII American man is no longer about substance, but about style. It is not "masculine" to do well, but to look good. Within this definition, I see a new stream of thought that is increasingly gaining momentum. Today, some think it is not only important to look good, but to look good being bad. The Neanderthal must now posses a club as well as a velvet blazer. This frat boy mentality has contempt for anything slightly weak.

Here is a pointer if you want to emulate that supposed masculinity: the more you act as if you have learned all your life lessons in a bar, the manlier you are.

I have a problem with this addition to the already flawed definition of masculinity. It puts too much importance on the appearance of things. It makes masculinity even more ornamental than it already is.

A man cannot prove himself one by supporting his community or lending his services for the common good, but instead must play a counterproductive role in the celebrity culture in this country: look goooood creating havoc. As Budweiser claimed, "man laws" must be established, in order to instruct men how to be "manly."

It appears I need to take note.

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