This new bit of research sheds (pun not intended) some light on our obesity problem. Some key points:
-The brain may establish what your weight range throughout adulthood will be, even before you are born
-Your attempts to diet may be in vain, as your body will stop your weight loss, or stop your weight gain
-Our eating history (eating greasy burgers and finishing with apple pie) may be 'romantacizing' our habits
-We tend to overestimate the amount of calories we burn in exercise, and underestimate the number of calories we eat
So your fatty may not be 'your' may be YOU all along.
If that isn't enough to depress you, how about the fact that fat people are destroying the world through global warming!!! Al Gore, save us from THEM!!!
And lastly, the research brought to you by those yada yada Heart Associations may be misleading.
Who can we trust anymore? The ice-cream truck man?
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