Saturday, September 27, 2008

Let's Debate the Debate!

Photo courtesy of the Washington Post
As true as that the sun will rise, the post-debate debate will do so also.  Who won? Who looked presidential? Who looked awkward? Who had the best one-liner?

There is no shortage of commentary on who was the boss Friday night.  So, in order to fill the trough anymore, here are some of the best links I have found that comment on the debate and the reception of it afterwards.

  • Dick Morris begrudgingly gives it to Obama.
  •"ABC's Charlie Gibson and PBS's David Brooks and Marks Shields note that McCain never looked at Obama during the debate."
  • CBS Instant Poll gives a slight edge to Obama overall, but a slight edge to McCain on Iraq.
  • CNN gives debate to Obama.
  • Run of the entire mill reviews.
Overall, my feeling in two sentences would be: Obama stayed cool, comfortable, and fired up at times.  McCain went for the jugular and the heartstrings, staying feisty and aggressive throughout.  A draw, with a slight edge to Obama because of the better aftertaste his performance left everyone.

  • Fox News runs 4 pro-McCain debate stories, one slyly ridiculing Obama, and a non-story.

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