After reading a very interesting article in Esquire, I have decided to embark on a journey. Well, many short journeys.
The article chronicles the times of a guy who decides to become a committed smoker for
30 days. By his second day, he smokes a full pack.
What a great idea! I will embark on a set of 30-day Projects, experiments if you will, as a means to expand my boundaries, tolerances, experiences, and reality. I will take up any suggestions that meet the following criteria:
-It can be seen as a way to improve myself, or at least open me to experiences that do not completely destroy my lifestyle (i.e. NO smoke weed for 30 days, get drunk for 30 days straight, beat myself up for 30 days straight)
-They can be done for a period of 30 days straight (i.e. NO getting drunk 30 days in a row, not sleeping for 30 days, etc)
-I am able to chronicle my experience on a consistent basis (i.e. NO living in a hospital for 30 days)
These examples seem far-fetched, but so far these are some options I am planning on acting on:
-Living off only vegetables, fruits, nuts, and water for 30 days
-Lifting weights for 2 hours a day everyday for 30 days/running 2 miles everyday for 30 days
-Smoking at least a cigarette for 30 days straight
-Read one book a day for 30 days
-Write 1000 words a day for 30 days
-Drink 2 drinks a day for 30 days
-Go without a car for 30 days
-Do not pick up a call for 30 days
-Go to a bar/club for 30 days straight
Etc etc
More than one 3DP can go on simultaneously.
WHY? Because I strongly believe limitations should be taken lightly. When you die, you remember what you didn't do, but you fondly remember what you did do.
I have heard that when you are old you finally have the time and pace to remember what you did, didn't do, and wish you did better. These memories fill up your time. I want my memories to be powerful and broad enough to entertain a cantakerous, wily, restless old man.
First 3DP:
Become a writing swimmer in 30 DaysGoal:To write at least 1,000 words a day, on any topic, fiction or non-fiction, AND to swim 30 minutes a day for the rest of March. By the end of March, I hope to get my creative juices flowing, form a habit of writing constantly, and get re-acquainted with a taxing sport that I let go when I was younger. A published novel and six-pack abs wouldn't be bad either, y'know.
It will be hard to end up writing around 22,000 words by the end of the month, and swim for 10 hours, but it isn't supposed to be easy. It is also not supposed to be beneficial to me, but for this month, lets make it health-conscious.
Likelihood of me dying: 33%, by drowning or led poisoning.
Likelihood of me fully completing this 3DP: 75%. Writer's block, ADD, and ashy, chlorined skin, might turn me off.
Likelihood of me earning wicked stories out of this: 52%. Out of my own imagination, probably. Yes, 52% is not what some would call a vote of confidence, but I am honest. Now bugger off.
I will chronicle as much as I can and see where that goes.
Suggestions for future months?
ps No real names will be posted. Don't want to incriminate the many.